Before purchasing, please be aware that our Adapter has been copied by Tiger Performance and his version will not work properly. If you have any questions, call us as soon as possible.
Here at Aviation Survival, we know how important it is for our helmets to have the proper mount to make sure it is in tip-top condition. That is why we highly recommend the Gentex NVG IT Multi Helmet Mount Adapter! The HHC MSA Gallet Helmet NVG / Gentex Helmet NVG IT Multi Helmet Mount Adapter is designed and manufactured by Helicopter, The Multi helmet NVG adapter allows users of MSA Gallet helmets to share the NVG Mounts using the quick disconnect system found on Gentex and Non Gentex Style Helicopter Helmets. Made of carbon fiber and stainless steel, this little adapter will save you money and comes ready to snap on. The mount attaches the same way as the OEM Adapter on all MSA NVG ready helmets.